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Listen to: Marshall Govindan in the "Light Conversations with Bhaskar" Podcast

Kelly Blaser - The Power of Meditation

Listen to Marshall Govindan in the "Light Conversations with Bhaskar" Podcast:
Inter-views with no scripts and or prepared questions.
Natural spontaneous conversations, arising from the depth of connection. 
The purpose of these conversations is to leave you feeling lighter than when you arrived.”

Here are a few of the topics they discussed:

  • Satchidananda’s transition to the path of Yoga. Early experiences.
  • What was required by Yogi Ramaiah to reside in his ashrams.
  • Transforming our human nature through the teachings of Babaji and the Siddhas.
  • Learn to recognize the voice of your soul.
  • A great Hamsa meditation at the end!

See the additional topics in this interview here.


Kelly Blaser - The Power of Meditation

Marshall Govindan (or Yogacharya M. Govindan Satchidananda) is a Kriya Yogi, teacher, author, scholar, and publisher of literary works related to Classical Yoga and Tantra.
Shortly after graduating from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. in 1970, he was initiated into Babaji's Kriya Yoga by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, a direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji.  For the next 18 years he lived in the ashrams and centers founded by Yogi Ramaiah, including nearly five years in India. Continue reading here.


Bhaskar Goswami: BODHI + daana founder, embodiment specialist

From Assam, India, Bhaskar was born into the yogic tradition. He comes from the lineage of Vasishtha, who is considered to be one of the founding fathers of this ancient practice. Bhaskar has been deeply involved with the practice of yoga since the early 90’s. He is a certified teacher of traditional hatha yoga and a specialist in employing the principles of yoga for the modern lifestyle.

As a senior yoga and meditation teacher, Bhaskar Goswami has led numerous international retreats and is an acclaimed speaker, having presented in prestigious organizations and events…continue reading here.

To listen to this podcast click on any of the links below:




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