Kriya Yoga News and Notes

We are planning a group pilgrimage there from August 31 to September 18, 2017.  Details are at Badrinath Pilgrimage.

Read more about Badrinath Ashram

Make your donation here...

For Initiated Resident of India only: Badrinath Pilgrimage, May 18 to 31, 2018

Badrinath Ashram - October 5, 2017

Photos May 27, 2017

Badrinath Ashram construction October 5, 2016

Badrinath Ashram construction September 1-18, 2016

Badrinath Ashram construction October 1-8, 2015

Badrinath Ashram construction November 11, 2014

Meditation hall and above it the Yoga hall - November 2014 - 1 (click image to enlarge)

Meditation hall and above it the Yoga hall

Badrinath ashram - May 27, 2017 - 2 (click image to enlarge)

Badrinath ashram, northeast corner

Badrinath ashram - May 27, 2017 - 3 (click image to enlarge)

Badrinath ashram south side
March 20, 2016

Meditation hall and above it the Yoga hall - November 2014 - 1 (click image to enlarge)

Babaji Ashram, Badrinath + Mt Neelakantan
March 20, 2016

Badrinath ashram - May 27, 2017 - 2 (click image to enlarge)

Mt Neelkantan, 23,500 feet, 7,500 metres
altitude, Badrinath

Badrinath ashram - May 27, 2017 - 3 (click image to enlarge)

Badrinarayan temple
March 20, 2016

Invitation to Book Release February 6, 2016

Slide Show of photos of book release function,

February 6, 2016 in Chennai, with “sitting and standing left to right:

Dr. KR Arumugam, Dr. T.N. Pranatharthiharan, Dr. Aranya Ramalingam, Dr. Bhaskaran, Vice Chancellor of Tamil University, Thiru Uttiradam, Vinod Kumar, Acharya Kriyananadamayi and Dr. Aruna Sivagami.

Press Release - Treasure-Trove-of-Yoga-Siddha-Poems

To “Look inside this book”
and/or to order it, go to our bookstore page

Residents of India, click here
Everyone outside India, click here

The Treasure Trove of Tamil Yoga Siddha Manuscripts is a guide and a large collection of verses composed by Tamil Yoga Siddhars during the medieval Sangam period. These verses, found only on palm leaf manuscripts, were collected, scanned, transcribed into modern Tamil and edited by an eminent team of scholars and manuscriptologists. The guide, is a valuable resource, not only for lovers of Siddha poetry, but also for scholars, translators and researchers in the fields of Yoga and Tantra.

All 13,276 verses on 1,677 pages are included in a compact disc inserted in the rear cover.

This new publication will be released at a function in Chennai, India, on February 6, 2016, at 6:30 pm organized by Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas and the Yoga Siddha Research Centre. continued.

International Day Of Yoga 2016 @ Bandarawela, SriLanka

International Day Of Yoga 2016 @ Bandarawela, SriLanka

Organized By Sadhana Yoga Shrushti and Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order Of Acharyas Trust.
More than 1500 participants took part in the event. See the 90 + photos and report here:

“M. Govindan Satchidananda has been given the honorary “Patanjali Award” for 2014
for his outstanding service to Yoga by the Swami Maitreyananda,
President of Yoga Alliance International, (also known as the International Yoga Federation)

Swami Maitreyananda and Satchidananda (click image to enlarge)

Yoga Alliance International is the oldest and largest international Yoga association and registry of Yoga teachers.
Satchidananda has been added to a long list of recipients who have received this award every year since 1986. 

See the list of previous recipients of this award here: 

Satchidanananda has been a member of its World Council since 2008.

Swami Maitreyananda wrote on his website after they met in November 2012, in Quebec:
"Marshall Govindan Satchidananda is not only the most famous Yoga Master of Kriya Yoga in the world, he also has done an amazing job for Kriya Yoga,
I can only compare with Paramahansa Yogananda. Govindan Satchidananda is the spirit of Babaji"

Swami Sai Sivananda, President of the Federation Francophone de Yoga presents the award to M. G. Satchidananda

Acharya M. Govindan Satchidananda (kneeling, center), and to is right Acharya Shantiananda, along with participants 
              in the 2nd initiation and retreat in Redlands, California, July 29-31, 2016

Acharya M. Govindan Satchidananda (kneeling, center), and to is right Acharya Shantiananda, along with participants in the 2nd initiation and retreat in Redlands, California, July 29-31, 2016

Participants in the 3rd initation, July 15-24, 2016 at the Quebec ashram with (kneeling, in white) Acharyas 
              Siddhananda Sita, Sharanadevi, Durga and M. G. Satchidananda

Participants in the 3rd initation, July 15-24, 2016 at the Quebec ashram with (kneeling, in white) Acharyas Siddhananda Sita, Sharanadevi, Durga and M. G. Satchidananda

At the Quebec ashram, 16 students with 4 teachers at the Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program June 30 to 
              July 14, 2016

At the Quebec ashram, 16 students with 4 teachers at the Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program June 30 to July 14, 2016


Gowri Varadhan, from Salem, Tamil Nadu is inducted into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas in Bangalore, India, March 6, 2016

We are happy to announce that Gowri Varadharan,  was given a new name, "Gurudasan" (servant of the Guru) by Babaji, as a new member of Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, with the blessing of mother, father, brother and wife Kiran, and 59 participants of the Kriya Yoga retreat and 2nd initiation.  He committed himself to fulfilling the conditions of an Acharya, and is now authorized to give the first initiation.

Photos of the event can be seen here:

A biosketch of Gurudasan can be seen here

A new spiritual name is given by Babaji to each new member of the Order during this ceremony so that whenever anyone addresses them in future by their new name, both of them will be reminded of the qualities associated with this name. In this case, there will be a remembrance of what it means to be the "servant of the Guru."

Namaste Acharyas, Board members and Kriya Yoga initiates,

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum


On November 16, 2015, Annapurna Ma (Marcia Micheli) of Brazil, was inducted into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, in a ceremony attended by 42 initiates, in Cunha, Brazil. For more details on Annapurna Ma, click here.


Krishnaveni Kulanthaivel, of Sri Lanka, was given the name Kriyanandamayi and was inducted into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas in a ceremony conducted by Acharya Satyananda on February 1, 2015 near Bangalore, India, at the end of the 2nd initiations’ Mantra yagna, in the presence of 50 initiates. She is now fully trained and authorized to give the Kriya Yoga initiation seminars in Sri Lanka, India and Malaysia in English or Tamil. During the past five years she has managed the Orders two ashrams in Sri Lanka, and organized annual initiation seminars and pilgrimage tours to Katirgama and other holy places. She has also conducted regular Hatha Yoga classes in several locations, corporate and students stress management programs, acupuncture treatments, and performed sacred ceremonies at our ashrams. After being introduced into spirituality by her parents at a very young age, she soon explored various spiritual lineages and has practiced Hatha Yoga since 2001, and taught it regularly since 2002. Since her initiation into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga in 2006, she dedicated her life fully to intense Sadhana of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and to serving the local Sangha and her parental family.

See the Acharyas page for her biosketch.


Maitreya (Michel Zonatto)

Since childhood Michel had felt a deep desire to know God / Truth. He was first introduced to Yoga and mysticism at the age of eight by his mother. He had his first training in Classical Yoga at eighteen and began to teach regular classes at twenty. He continued his studies in Yoga and other paths to self-realization and natural therapies, such as Ayurveda. He was initiated into various methods of reiki, meditation and vibrational healing. He received initiation and personal guidance in Vajrayana Buddhism. However, it was when he learned of Babaji and Kriya Yoga that he knew he had found his true guru and path. He felt compelled to find a lineage and a realized teacher to guide him and his sadhana. In 2009, he received the first initiation in Brazil from acharya Sharanadevi and in the same year, met his teacher M.G. Satchidananda. In 2010, he was initiated by Satchidananda into the advanced kriyas. These practices of Kriya Yoga brought him a deep sense of peace and of returning home, as he began to understand that his dedicated practice was encouraging loving and conscious action in all his daily life. In 2012, he was invited to prepare to become an acharya and after two years of intensive training he was, in November 2014, inducted into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas.

See the Acharyas page for his biosketch.

Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas is building a new classroom at a school which serves 150 children in the remote Himalayan village of Budhna, which is 70 km from Rudraprayag. It will be completed in April 2015. In the winter of 2014, the Order received and sent $14,000 to the support of the village of Ucchiwara, in response to the tsunami rain storm in that area, June 27, 2013. The current effort applies continuing donations received for this purpose since then.

Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - Existing school with stone materials (click image to enlarge)

Existing school with stone materials

Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - School principal with stone materials and existing school (click image to enlarge)

School principal with stone materials and existing school

Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - Evacuation of area for new classroom (click image to enlarge)

Excavation of area for new classroom

Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - New classroom foundation under construction (click image to enlarge)

New classroom foundation under construction

Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - 04.16.2015 (click image to enlarge)


Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - 06.04.2015 (click image to enlarge)


Himalayan village of Budhna 2015 - 06.04.2015 (click image to enlarge)


Acharya Siddhananda Sita (center holding picture) gave the first initiation into Babaji's Kriya Yoga in Paris, 
              France, June 3-5,  2016 to 30 aspiring persons.
Acharya Siddhananda Sita (center holding picture) gave the first initiation into Babaji's Kriya Yoga in Paris,
France, June 3-5, 2016 to 30 aspiring persons. She may be contacted at sita

M. G. Satchidananda and 42 participants in the 3rd initiation in Cunha, Brazil, November 14-22, 2015.  
              Seated next to him in the center are Ramani and Narada, owners of the Flora des Alguas retreat center
M. G. Satchidananda and 42 participants in the 3rd initiation in Cunha, Brazil, November 14-22, 2015.
Seated next to him in the center are Ramani and Narada, owners of the Flora des Alguas retreat center

Durga Ahlund, M. G. Satchidananda and participants in the Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Quebec 
              Ashram September 1, 2014  (click image to enlarge)
Durga Ahlund, M. G. Satchidananda and participants in the Kriya Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Quebec Ashram September 1, 2014

M. G. Satchidananda, 3rd initiation, Lilleoru, Estonia, August 21, 2014  (click image to enlarge)
M. G. Satchidananda, 3rd initiation, Lilleoru, Estonia, August 21, 2014

Here is the group who received the 3rd initiation into the 144 Kriyas from M. G.Satchidananda at the 
              Chateau Fondjouan, near Orleans, France, August 22-29, 2014 (click image to enlarge)
Here is the group who received the 3rd initiation into the 144 Kriyas
from M. G.Satchidananda at the Chateau Fondjouan,
near Orleans, France, August 22-29, 2014

Participants of the second initiation and retreat in Redlands, California, May 11, 2014, with 
              M.G. Satchidananda and Acharya Shantiananda (click image to enlarge)
Participants of the second initiation and retreat in Redlands, California, May 11, 2014, with M.G. Satchidananda and Acharya Shantiananda

Pilgrimage to Babaji Ashram, Katargama, Sri Lanka January 9-16, 2014

Babaji's Kriya Yoga Ashram in Katargama

Babaji's Kriya Yoga Ashram on the seashore in Dehiwala, south of Colombo

European Satsang 2013 - Image 1 (click image to enlarge)

European Gathering, May 24-26, 2013

European Satsang 2013 - Image 2 (click image to enlarge)

Gathering Lecture and Discussion

European Satsang 2013 - Image 3 (click image to enlarge)

German Acharyas and organizers meet after the European Satsang

New Acharya Initiation - Brahmananda - 2013 - Image 4 (click image to enlarge)

Berndt Geringer of Austria is inducted into the Order of Acharyas, with the new name “Brahmananda”

3rd level France, May 1-7, 2013 - Image 5 (click image to enlarge)

3rd level France, May 1-7, 2013

3rd level Germany, May 17-24, 2013 - Image 6 (click image to enlarge)

3rd level Germany, May 17-24, 2013

2nd Initiation in Martinique - April, 2013 (click image to enlarge)
M G Satchidananda and Acharya Siddhanananda Sita gave the 2nd initiation to 13 students at a beach side retreat on the island of Martinique, in the Caribbean, April 6-8, 2013

Images of Sri Lanka Retreat 2013

Sri Lanka Retreat 1 (click image to enlarge)
M. G. Satchidananda and 24 pilgrims from 11 countries went to Palani, India, and met the 13th successor and descendant of Pulipani, the chief disciple of the Siddhar Boganathar:  Sri Sivananda Pulipani, on February 27, 2013

Sri Lanka Retreat 2 (click image to enlarge)
M. G. Satchidananda and  48 participants of a Kriya Yoga 2nd initiation and Silence retreat during a beach walk in front of the Colombo, Sri Lanka ashram of Babaj’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas Trust, March 9, 2013

Sri Lanka Retreat 3 (click image to enlarge)
M G Satchidananda surrounded by 48 Kriya Yoga initiates at the Sri Lanka Ashram March 10, 2013 at the end of the retreat

Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram

Our publications “Tirumandiram ” and “The Yoga of Tirumular” have been accepted by the following University Religious studies and Asian studies libraries upon the recommendation of professors associated with these universities:

  • Harvard University Divinity School, by Professor Francis Clooney, S.J.
  • University of Chicago Asian Studies Library, by Prof. Whitney Cox, Ph.D
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, by Prof. David Gordon White, Ph.D
  • University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, Dr. James Mallinson, Ph.D
  • Stetson University, Florida, Prof. Philip Lucas, Ph.D
  • Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado, by Professor  Devi Bringi, Ph.D
  • Loyola-Marymount in Los Angeles, by Prof. Christopher Chapple, Ph.D

Nine Tandirams on the Tirumandiram
  • Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Dept. of Yoga library. Prof. Venkateswara M.D.
  • Tamil University, Thanjavur, T.N. India
  • University of Pondicherry, India, Prof. Prema Nandakumar
  • University of Madras, Chennai, T.N. India
Nine Tandirams on the Tirumandiram

Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram

New Chapter Monistic Theism of the Tirumandiram (Thirumandiram) and Kashmir Saivism, by Dr. Geeta Anand Ph D. and Dr. T.N. Ganapathy Ph D. - Ebook

In January 2012, we are publishing the 2nd edition of "The Yoga of Tirumular: Essays on the Tirumandiram," in India. At my request, Dr. Ganapathy and Dr. Geeta Anand have written for it a new final chapter, 33 pages in length, which discusses the debate over whether the Tirumandiram advocates pluralistic realism or monistic theism. Essentially the debate boils down to the question of "Are there three eternal realities: God, the soul and the world? Or is there really only One, all else being merely an illusion?" This chapter also compares the school of Kashmir Saivism to the Tirumandiram, because both advocate a perspective which bridges the above two competing viewpoints. This chapter contains three parts. The first part contains selected verses to show that the burden of the song of the Tirumandiram is monism only. The second part gives a brief account of Kashmir Saivism representing it as a Saivite model of monism. The third part shows the parallelism between the Tirumandiram and Kashmir Saivism to emphasize the viewpoint that the Tirumandiram advocates monism and monism only. You may order this 33 page monograph for $2.99 from our Bookstore page by clicking here

Opposite Doing: The Five Yogic Keys to Good Relationships

New Ebook Opposite Doing: The Five Yogic Keys to Good Relationships
by Marshall Govindan

Persons new to Yoga are often surprised to learn that most of what we do in Yoga is intentionally the opposite of what our human nature would generally motivate us to do. Aside from the obvious examples, of remaining conscious when the eyes are closed rather than sleeping, or standing on our head rather than our feet, Yoga asks us to do the opposite of our natural social behavior. I will show you, with practical exercises, how the observance of the five yogic practices, known as the yamas will enable you to transform your human nature and to fulfill both your practical and sublime purposes in life

Visit the Bookstore for more details and sale.

M G Satchidananda - 3rd Initiation in Brazil Nov 2012 (click image to enlarge)

M G Satchidananda gave the 3rd initiation November 13 to 22, 2012 to 26 participants in Brazil

We are happy to announce that the “Babaji Koil” temple at Katirgama, Sri Lanka (see photos below) has been resurfaced with ceramic tile, and that a granite monument sign has been erected next to it. This temple marks the spot where Babaji was initiated into Yoga by the Siddhar Boganathar, and experienced God realization. For more details click here

Katirgama Shrine

Shrine Katirgama granite sign board

Katirgama Babaji Temple

Katirgama Babaji temple refurbish

Katirgama Entrance

Entrance gate to the Katirgama temple complex, 50 yards from the Babaji Koil temple

In front of the Babaji Koil temple in Katargama, Sri Lanka, situated on the spot where Babaji did tapas and attained enlightenment, a “mandapam” canopy has been recently built to provide shade to visitors who wish to meditate. The construction of a meditation hall just behind the temple is planned. Kriya Yoga sadhaks from around the world are contributing to this project. If you would like to contribute, click here

Babaji Koil Mandapam 1
Babaji Koil Mandapam 2

Initiation Seminar at Babaji Alayam Ashram - Sri Lanka

On October 22 and 23, 2011, 60 persons participated in the initiation seminar at the Colombo, Sri Lanka “Babaji Alayam Ashram” Two thirds of them were from the Buddhist Sinhala community. With the end of the 26 year civil war in 2009, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga is helping to bring the Hindu Tamil and Buddhist Sinhala communities together. For more photos click here

Nityananda, Columbia - 2012

Acharya Nityananda (standing in the center) gave a Kriya Yoga initiation seminar to 18 persons in Bogota, Columbia, March 16-18, 2012.

Satyananda - Mumbai 2012 - 1
Satyananda - Mumbai 2012 - 2
Satyananda - Mumbai 2012 - 3

Acharya Satyananda conducted a retreat with a second initiation in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga near Mumbai, February 10-12, 2012

Mysore, India Fire Yagna

Twenty-one Kriya Yoga sadhaks participated in the mantra yagna and spiritual retreat conducted by Acharya Satyananda in Johore, Malaysia, September 22-24, 2012

3rd Initiation - Bangalore, India

Participants with M. G. Satchidananda and Durga at the 3rd level initiation near Bangalore, India October 21-29, 2011

3rd Initiation - Sao Paulo Brazil

Teacher Training June 29-July 10, 2012 at the Quebec ashram with Durga and Satchidananda

Hatha Teacher Training - 2011 - Quebec

Participants in the training of teachers in Kriya Hatha Yoga from June 30 to July 10, 2011 in Quebec

3rd Initiation - Sao Paulo Brazil

Twenty nine students participated in a 3rd level initiation seminar with M. Govindan Satchidananda near Sao Paulo Brazil, November 19-26, 2010

2nd Initiation - Mendoza, Argentina

Students participating in the 2nd level initiation in Mendoza, Argentina, date with Acharya Nityananda

Mantra Yagna - Mendoza, Argentina

Mantra Yagna during 2nd level initiation in Mendoza, Argentina

Nityananda - Mendoza, Argentina

Students with Nityananda (center) in first initiation, Mendoza, Argentina

Georg Feuerstein

Dr Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D, the world foremost scholar in the field of Classical Yoga has written a book review of our latest and greatest publication, The Tirumandiram. He says: “There are at least four Yoga scriptures that should have a place in any library of core Yoga works: Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutra, the Bhagavad-Gita, and the ten-chapter edition of the Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika of Svatmarama Yodindra, which are all composed in Sanskrit. The fourth scripture is Tirumular’s Tiru-Mandiram, which is written in Tamil…Yoga-loving English speakers and the academic community owe an enormous gratitude to Marshall Govindan (Satchitananda) for initiating and sustaining this mammoth project, to his wife Durga Ahlund Govindan for her unstinting editorial and other support, and to Prof. T. N. Ganapathy and his team of translators and editors for successfully completing a truly monumental undertaking. Read the complete review here

The acclaimed international magazine, “Hinduism Today” has written a four page article on our new publication, The Tirumandiram, entitled: “A Mystical Masterpiece is Unearthed.” Read about it here




Visit our new website for more details on what is inside this monumental literary treasure of Yoga and Tantra click here


Josée Sylvestre became a member of the Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, in October, 2012 and received the name “Jnanashakti”. See the Acharyas page for her biosketch.


Sherry Ryan became a member of the Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, in October, 2012 and received the name “Vidhyananda”. See the Acharyas page for her biosketch.

Jesus and Yoga

Visit our website for details and book reviews on our publication The Wisdom of Jesus and the Yoga Siddhas now published in 5 languages.


To Receive a FREE copy
of our current
Kriya Yoga Journal
by email


Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec Ashram

1st Initiation
October 13-15, 2017
May 25-27, 2018,
October 12-14, 2018

With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

1st Initiation
August 18-20, 2017
With Vyasa

Click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton
Every Tuesday: 9 am. - 10:45 am.
Saturday: 9 am. - 10:30 am.
Sunday: 11:00 am. - 12:30 pm.

Click here for details

2nd Initiation
October 20-22, 2017,
June 15-17, 2018,,
October 19-21, 2018
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 5-14, 2018
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
June 28 - July 13, 2017
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

The Patanjali Award for 2014
has been made to
M. G. Satchidananda
By Yoga Alliance International/ International Yoga Federation.

Click here for details

Order builds school near Rudraprayag.

Click here for details

* Testimonial *

student testimonials and insights

Click here for 1st initiation
Click here for 2nd initiation

Through Silence the first meeting between man and the Mystery of God is accomplished. Taste the nectar of Silence.



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